October 31, 2012

Did You Know. . .

that candy corn has been around since 1898?  It was made by the Herman Goelitz Confectionery Company in Fairfield, California.  It is now known as the Jelly Belly Candy Company.

that the the first recorded Halloween celebration happened in 1921 in the city of Anoka (Minnesota)?

that the colors orange and black are considered Halloween colors because orange has been associated with the autumn harvest and black has been associated with darkness and death?

that bobbing for apples is thought to have come from the Roman harvest festival which honors Pamona, the goddess of fruit trees?

that the following states each produce at least 100 million pounds of pumpkins -- Ohio, California and New York?  That's a lot of pumpkins!

References:  Womans Day magazine (October 17, 2011), http://www.foodreference.com/html/fhalloween.html, http://www.halloween-website.com/trivia.htm


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