June 17, 2012

Did You Know. . .

that gelatin has been around since 1845?  Peter Cooper who was a famous inventor, patented a product set with gelatin.  However, no one wanted it.

that Jello-O did not get it's name until 1897.  Pearle B. Wait was the first person to develop a fruit-flavored gelatin, but it was his wife, Mrs. Davis Wait, who gave the gelatin-based dessert its name.  They could not sell this product either.

that in 1899 Pearle Wait sold Jell-O to a local townsman by the name of Frank Woodward for only $450?  Again, no one was interested.  Mr. Woodward was about to give up but in 1904, his advertising finally paid off.  The company had introduced the Jell-O girl and that's what got the ball rolling.

that in 1934, comedian Jack Benny really made Jell-O's popularity soar?  He did it by giving this product airtime along with a snappy jingle that sang out the letters of J - E - L - L - O. 

that there were four original flavors of Jell-O?  They were orange, raspberry, strawberry and lemon.  Currently there are 23 total flavors plus 9 sugar-free flavors available per their website.

that at one time Jell-O was considered a very decadent dessert and served by the upper class?  They used fancy Victorian molds to create these beautiful desserts.

that in 1923 Cecil B. DeMille used Jell-O to create the effect of keeping the Red Sea parted as the Israelites fled Egypt in his silent movie, "The Ten Commandments"?

that in the film, "Wizard of Oz", Jell-O was used on the horse that changed colors?  Six horses were actually sponged down with Jell-O to create this effect.

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