September 8, 2012

Did You Know. . .

that the world's fastest pizza maker can make 14 pizzas in 2 minutes and 35 seconds?  Dinner would be quick at this house!!

that the longest pizza delivery was from Cape Town, South Africa to Sydney, Australia?

that what has been called "the world's most extravagant pizza" is available at New York's Nino's Bellissima restaurant?  Topped with six varieties of caviar, chives, fresh lobster and creme fraiche, this 12-inch pie, called the "Luxury Pizza," retails at $1,000.00 (or $125.00 a slice).  Do you want to go?!

that the most expensive pizza created was made by the restaurateur Domenico Crolla who created a $2,745.00 priced Valentine pizza which included toppings such as sunblush-tomato sauce, Scottish smoked salmon, medallions of venison, edible gold, lobster marinated in the finest cognac and champagne-soaked caviar?


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